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Technological trends 2024: Trust, engineering and experience - strategic axes according to Gartner

Technological trends 2024: Trust, engineering and experience - strategic axes according to Gartner

Technology is a transformative force that impacts all aspects of our life, from the way we communicate, work, learn, have fun and relate to the world. Every year, the consulting firm Gartner identifies the strategic technological trends that have the potential to create significant opportunities and challenges for organizations and society in general.

These trends are not just predictions, but are based on a rigorous analysis of the emerging signals, adoption patterns, user needs and technological advances. Their goal is to help leaders and entrepreneurs anticipate change, innovate and adapt to the future.

In this article, we present you the main strategic technological trends for 2024 proposed by Gartner, and how you can take advantage of them to improve your business. According to them, these trends are grouped into three themes: trust, engineering and experience.

Technological trends 2024


Trust is an essential element for the success of any human or commercial relationship. However, trust is threatened by the risks and threats posed by the use of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI). Therefore, it is necessary to develop mechanisms and practices that guarantee the security, ethics and accountability of technology and its applications.

The three trends related to trust are:

Management of trust, risk and security of AI (AI TRiSM):

AI is a technology that offers great benefits, but also great risks. Therefore, it requires a comprehensive management that addresses the technical, legal, ethical and social aspects of AI. This implies establishing principles, policies, standards and controls that ensure the proper and responsible use of AI in organizations. In addition, the performance, behavior and results of AI must be monitored and audited to detect and correct possible errors, biases or bad practices.

Continuous threat exposure management (CTEM):

Cyber threats are becoming more frequent, sophisticated and harmful. Therefore, a continuous management is needed that identifies, evaluates and responds to the vulnerabilities and attacks that affect the systems, data and people. This implies adopting a proactive and preventive stance that incorporates artificial intelligence, automation and collaboration to anticipate and mitigate risks.

Sustainable technology:

Sustainability is an ethical and strategic imperative for organizations. Technology can contribute to improving the environmental, social and economic performance of businesses. However, technology also has a negative impact on the environment and natural resources. Therefore, sustainable technology must be sought that minimizes its ecological footprint, maximizes its energy efficiency and promotes its recycling and reuse.


Engineering is the art and science of designing, building and operating complex technological systems. Engineering requires a combination of creativity, rigor and adaptability to solve real problems with innovative solutions. Engineering also involves a multidisciplinary collaboration between different actors and domains.

The three trends related to engineering are:

Platform engineering:

Platforms are integrated sets of technological components that offer common capabilities for multiple applications. Platforms enable the acceleration of the development, delivery and evolution of digital solutions. Platform engineering consists of designing, building and operating robust, scalable and flexible platforms that support the changing needs of businesses and customers.

AI-Augmented Development:

Software development is a complex activity that demands a lot of time, resources and talent. AI can help improve the development process by automating repetitive or tedious tasks, assisting in design and coding, optimizing performance and quality, and facilitating learning and collaboration. AI-Augmented Development consists of integrating AI into the software development life cycle to increase the productivity, creativity and satisfaction of developers.

Industry Cloud Platforms:

The cloud is a mode of delivery of technological services through the internet. The cloud offers benefits such as accessibility, scalability, flexibility and cost savings. However, the cloud also involves challenges such as security, privacy, regulation and integration. Industry cloud platforms are specialized cloud solutions that cater to the specific needs of a sector or industry. Industry cloud platforms offer functionalities, data and standards adapted to the requirements and practices of each sector.


The experience is the set of perceptions, emotions and actions that are generated in people when interacting with a product, a service or an organization. The experience is a determining factor for the satisfaction, loyalty and value of customers. Technology can improve the experience by offering personalized, intelligent and connected solutions that adapt to the preferences, needs and contexts of users.

The four trends related to experience are:

Intelligent applications:

Applications are computer programs that allow performing a specific function. Intelligent applications are those that incorporate artificial intelligence to offer a more advanced, dynamic and adaptive functionality. Intelligent applications can learn from data, users and the environment to optimize their performance, interface and content. Intelligent applications can assist, recommend, predict or automate actions or decisions for users.

Democratized Generative AI:

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that is dedicated to creating original content from data or instructions. Generative AI can generate text, images, audio, video or code with a high degree of realism, creativity and diversity. Democratized Generative AI is the one that is within the reach of anyone or organization that wants to use it for various purposes. Democratized Generative AI can facilitate the creation, innovation and expression of users.

Augmented Connected Workforce:

The workforce is the set of people who perform a productive activity for an organization. The augmented connected workforce is the one that uses technologies such as the internet of things (IoT), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) or wearable devices (wearables) to improve their communication, collaboration and training. The augmented connected workforce can access relevant information, share knowledge and experiences, and receive guidance or assistance in real time.

Machine Customers:

Customers are the people or entities that acquire or consume a product or service. Machine customers are those that are technological systems that act as agents or intermediaries of human customers. Machine customers can perform functions such as searching, comparing, buying, paying or evaluating products or services on behalf of human customers. Machine customers can interact with other technological systems or with people through conversational or gestural interfaces.


The strategic technological trends for 2024 proposed by Gartner are a sample of the power and potential of technology to transform businesses and our world. These trends represent opportunities and challenges for organizations and individuals who want to stay relevant and competitive in the market. However, they also require a strategic vision, a culture of innovation, a change management and a responsible ethics for their successful implementation.

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